Good Faith Estimate For Idaho Therapy Service

A Good Faith Estimate aims to prevent unexpected bills or significantly higher charges for services or treatments. Insurance companies do not typically cover the entire cost of out-of-network care, leaving patients responsible for the remaining balance, which could amount to thousands of dollars, posing financial challenges for patients.

As a licensed and certified therapist in Idaho and Utah, we can provide you with a therapy estimate for your sessions that take your insurance plan into account.

What is a Good Faith Estimate and who can we give it to?

A Good Faith Estimate is your guide for understanding the potential expenses of your therapy service. This is helpful, especially if you're not covered by insurance or if you're opting to pay for Idaho therapy services out of pocket.

Although the estimate is made in good faith, it may not match the treatment expenses exactly. There can be differences between what we estimate and the final therapy cost. Nonetheless, uninsured or self-pay patients are entitled to receive an estimate even if there's a possibility that there will be zero therapy expenses. For instance, facilities providing patient care through grants must still provide an estimate, as charges might not be entirely waived. Patients have the right to dispute bills if the final amount exceeds the quoted estimate by $400 or more.

What details can you get from our Idaho therapy service estimate? 

As your licensed therapist in Idaho, it's crucial to provide patients with accurate estimates reflecting anticipated costs rather than mere guesses. These estimates should be based on the services or treatments expected to be delivered, aligning with a provider's standard cash pay rate or the rate typically charged to insurance providers.

Our comprehensive good faith estimate for Idea therapy services will include the following essential details:

  • A description of the primary therapy service or treatment along with a tentative date if available.

  • An itemized breakdown of potential services.

  • Relevant diagnosis and billing codes.

  • Estimated costs for each service.

  • Identification of all treating providers.

  • A list of additional services that might be necessary for the patient before, during, or after therapy sessions.

Additionally, there will be a disclaimer outlining patient rights, acknowledging potential discrepancies in actual costs, and noting the possibility of additional recommended treatments scheduled separately.

What details can you get from our Idaho therapy service estimate? 

As your licensed therapist in Idaho, it's crucial to provide patients with accurate estimates reflecting anticipated costs rather than mere guesses. These estimates should be based on the services or treatments expected to be delivered, aligning with a provider's standard cash pay rate or the rate typically charged to insurance providers.

Our comprehensive good faith estimate for Idea therapy services will include the following essential details:

  • A description of the primary therapy service or treatment along with a tentative date if available.

  • An itemized breakdown of potential services.

  • Relevant diagnosis and billing codes.

  • Estimated costs for each service.

  • Identification of all treating providers.

  • A list of additional services that might be necessary for the patient before, during, or after therapy sessions.

Additionally, there will be a disclaimer outlining patient rights, acknowledging potential discrepancies in actual costs, and noting the possibility of additional recommended treatments scheduled separately.

When will you receive your Idaho therapy estimate?

Knowing when you can receive an estimate before starting any therapy session is important. If you want to receive an estimate before setting up your sessions, you can always ask for one ahead of time. As we move forward, it is crucial for you to have a clear understanding of the cost estimate for the therapy you need.

When you schedule an appointment for our therapy service in Idaho, we will give you an estimate within a couple of days before the session begins. This could mean that you receive it the day before your appointment. Even if you request an estimate without scheduling treatment, we'll still provide it. 

Contact Intergrowth Counseling Today!

Want to enquire about our Idaho therapy services? Get in touch with us today. We can provide an estimate for the service you need whether for individuals, couples, or families. Whether you have insurance or are considering self-payment, Intergrowth Counseling is here to offer you a detailed Good Faith Estimate. Don't get caught off guard by surprise bills. Ask for an estimate today and feel at ease knowing the expected costs upfront.

Your Rights Under the “No Surprise Act”

Under the No Surprises Act, patients without insurance or not using insurance are entitled to a Good Faith Estimate of expected health care costs.

  • The Good Faith estimate should cover the total expected cost of any non-emergency items or services.

  • Healthcare providers must give this estimate in writing at least one business day before the service or item is provided.

  • Patients can request an estimate before scheduling.

  • If the final bill exceeds the estimate by $400 or more, patients can dispute the charges.

  • It is important to keep a copy of the Good Faith Estimate.

For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit