Frequently Asked Questions

At Intergrowth Counseling, we aim to provide clarity and guidance on therapy services in Idaho and Utah. Seeking therapy is a significant and difficult decision to make, and your therapist must be able to support you every step of the way. That is why at Intergrowth Counseling, we address common inquiries regarding the types of therapy offered, therapeutic approaches utilized, session formats, fees, and the booking process. Through this FAQ, we hope to offer insight into our practice and assist you in making informed decisions about your therapeutic journey.

General Information

  • Intergrowth Counseling provides a range of therapy services tailored to address diverse needs and situations:

    • Individual Therapy: With individual therapy, we’ll work together to establish a safe environment where you feel comfortable expressing your emotions and thoughts and reflecting on your behaviors. Our focus is on helping individuals enhance self-awareness, develop coping skills, and foster overall well-being.

    • Couples Therapy: The goal of couples therapy is to support partners in improving their relationship dynamics and resolving conflicts. We collaborate with both individuals to identify underlying issues and communication patterns that may be causing distress. As licensed therapists in Idaho, we foster trust, closeness, and understanding within relationships.

    • Family Therapy: Family therapy allows us to work with entire family units to address relational challenges and promote collective mental health. This is done by facilitating open communication and collaboration among family members to navigate issues such as conflict, transitions, and unresolved emotions. 

  • Our practice utilizes a variety of evidence-based therapeutic approaches to ensure the most effective treatment, including:

    • Attachment Theory: Together, we explore how your early relationships can shape your current behavior and relationships. When we understand these influences, we can start building better relationships and improving our overall well-being.

    • Internal Family Systems (IFS): In our sessions, we'll delve into the different parts of yourself to understand your unique perspectives, desires, and fears. By becoming more aware and connecting these parts of yourself, you can find more harmony and balance in self and your life. 

    • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR): We can use EMDR techniques to help ease pain from your past. We'll work together to reduce the emotional impact of traumatic memories, and help you develop more adaptive memories, beliefs, and healing.

    • Psychodynamic Therapy: In this therapy, we will uncover how unconscious processes shape the way you think, feel, and act to gain insight, resolve conflicts, and experience personal growth.

  • As a therapist in Idaho and Utah, providing both in-person and telehealth sessions is essential for ensuring that all clients have access to the therapy format that best suits their individual needs and preferences. This flexibility makes sure clients can do therapy in a way that suits their life and situation. Our goal at Inter~Growth Counseling is to meet the client where they are at, whether they prefer the personal connection of in-person sessions or the convenience of telehealth.

    • In-person sessions: These are the traditional face-to-face meetings that a lot of clients really appreciate. This format allows for deeper connection and rapport building through non-verbal cues and direct interpersonal communication in a comfortable space for clients to explore sensitive topics or emotions in a supportive environment. 

    • Telehealth sessions: Therapy sessions conducted online offer clients the opportunity to engage from the convenience of their own homes or any spot with internet access. This type of session will be beneficial for anyone who has a busy schedule, limited mobility, or lives far away. The opportunity to connect on a deep level is available, and research supports that telehealth sessions are equally as effective as in person sessions. Additionally, online sessions provide a sense of privacy, which can encourage openness and honesty during therapy. All telehealth sessions are conducted on a private, HIPPA approved platform to ensure confidentiality and privacy for clients.

Fees and Payment

  • Our standard session fees are as follows:

    • Individual Therapy: $150 for a 55-minute session

    • Couples Therapy: $175 for 75- minute initial appointment, and $150 for a 55-minute session

    • Family Therapy: $175.00 for 75- minute initial appointment, and $150 for a 55-minute session

  • Yes, we understand that financial situations vary, and we offer a specific number of sliding scale rates. Inter~Growth Counseling will do it’s best to meet the financial needs for clients who:

    • Do not want to use insurance.

    • Are uninsured.

    • Prefer an alternative to the $150 rate per session.

    • Please discuss your needs during your consultation call to determine an appropriate rate.

Session Details

  • Each therapy session is designed to be 50-55 minutes long, however, the duration of our entire therapy process varies depending on your unique needs, goals, and progress, which we will continuously assess and adjust together throughout our journey.

Booking and Consultation

  • Clients have the option to request a consultation by emailing, texting, or calling Inter~Growth Counseling. Also, clients may request a consultation by accessing the booking link provided or reaching out to us directly through the contact details listed. Our goal is to make the entire scheduling process as smooth as possible, allowing you to focus on your well-being. Whether you prefer to book online at your convenience or prefer a more personal touch by speaking with us directly, we’re here to support you every step of the way. 

  • During our 15 minute consultation call, we’ll guide you through a comprehensive discussion of your therapy needs and objectives. Together, we'll delve into the specifics of what you're seeking to achieve through therapy, and an opportunity to ask questions about Inter~Growth Counseling. We are here to:

    • Discuss your specific therapy needs and goals.

    • Answer any of your questions regarding our counseling services, therapeutic approaches, and what to expect in sessions

    • Provide an initial conversation that is designed to ensure that we are a good fit for your therapeutic needs and to help you feel comfortable and informed about beginning therapy.