Kelsie - Licensed Therapist & Counselor in Utah and Idaho

Hi, I’m kelsie,

I’m a Licensed therapist in Idaho and utah

I’d like to fill you in on a little secret…I became a therapist, because I believe people do not have to suffer alone.

We live in a world that perpetuates individual healing, and I’m here to tell you that we can heal together. My goal as a therapist is to provide support, empathy, and guidance and ultimately assist you learning to love yourself again.

My commitment to clients

Kelsie - Licensed Therapist & Counselor in Utah and Idaho

Together, I hope to hold space for you to re-acquaint yourself with all parts of YOU. Even the ones that are riddled with shame, trauma, suffering, and self doubt. To ultimately find light in each and every dusty forbidden corner of you together.

you’re the expert

The expert in the room is YOU, (although maybe you don’t believe this yet) you will. My role in therapy is to support you, guide you, be direct with you.

learn together

My second commitment to myself, and clients is to never stop seeking, learning, understanding, and getting curious. I might not look like you, feel like you, see the world like you, but it’s my vow to you to do the very best to hear you and guide you back to you again.

Attachment Theory is the base of most interventions I orient to in therapy. Attachment Theory is the roots of who we are, it shapes who we have become and how we orient towards self, family, friends, co- workers, and every relationship we have in our lives. Even relationships with animals, substances, material items, it is the foundation of understanding ourselves.

solution focused/ motivational interviewing